of Sample Problems/Experiments
c) Write a Java Program that reads a line of integers, andthen displays each integer, and the sum ofall the integers (Use String Tokenizer class of java.util)
4. Write a Java program to illustrate method overloading.
5. Write a Java program that implements the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers.
6. Write a Java program to sort a list of names in ascending order.
7. Write a Java program to implement the matrix ADT using a class. The operations supported by this ADT are:z
a) Reading a matrix. c)
Addition of matrices.
b) Printing a matrix. d)
Subtraction of matrices.
Multiplication of matrices.
8. Write a Java Program to solve Tower’s of
Hanoi problem .
9. Write a Java Program that uses a
recursive function to compute ncr.
(Note: n and r values are given.)
10. Write a
Java program to perform the following
a) Concatenation of two strings.
b) Comparison of two strings.
11. Implement the complex number ADT in Java using a class. The complex
is used to represent complex numbers of the form c=a+ib, where a and b
are real numbers. The operations supported by this ADT are:
Reading a complex
number. d) Subtraction of complex numbers.
Writing a complex
number. e) Multiplication of complex numbers.
Addition of
Complex numbers. f) Division of complex numbers.
12. Write a Java program that makes frequency count of letters in a
given text.
13. Write a Java program that uses functions
to perform the following
operations :
a) Inserting a sub-string in to the given main string
from a given position.
b) Deleting n
characters from a given position in a given string.
15 .a) Writea Java program that reads a file name from the user, then displays information about whether the file exists, whether thefile is readable, whether the file iswritable, the type of file and the length of the file in bytes.
b) Writea Java program that reads a file and displays the file on the screen, with a line number beforeeach line.
d) Write a Java program to change a specific character in
a file.
Note: Filename , number of the byte in the file to be
changed and the new character
are specified on the command line.
25. Write a Java program that illustrates the
a) Creation of simple package. b) Accessing a package.
c) Implementing
26. Write
Java programs that illustrates the following
a) Handling predefined exceptions
b) Handling user defined
27. Write Java programs that use both recursive and non-recursive
for implementing the following searching methods:
a) Linear search b)
Binary search
28. Write Java programs to implement the
following using arrays and linked lists
List ADT
29. Write Java program to implement the following
using an array.
Queue ADT
30. Write a
Java program for handling Key events.
31. Write a Java program that uses both stack and queue to
test whether the given
string is
a palindrome.
32. Write
Java programs to implement the following using a singly
linked list.
a) Stack ADT b) Queue ADT
33. Write Java programs for
implementing the following sorting methods:
a) Bubble sort d)
Quick sort
b) Selection sort
c) Insertion sort
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