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13.a. create an abstract class Shape

a) Write a java program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains an empty method named numberOfSides ( ).Provide three classes named Trapezoid, Triangle and Hexagon such that each one of the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method numberOfSides ( ) that shows the number of sides in the given geometrical figures.

import javax.swing.*;
abstract class Shape
public abstract void numberOfSides();
class Trapezoid extends Shape
public void numberOfSides()
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"TRAPEZOID -- Number of sides in trapezoid is 4 (Of which two
are parallel and with no angles)");
class Triangle extends Shape
public void numberOfSides()
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"TRIANGLE -- Number of sides in Triangle is 3 ");
class Hexagon extends Shape
public void numberOfSides()
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"HEXAGON -- Number of sides in Hexagon is 6 ");
class ShapeDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Some of the Geometrical figures are as follows " );
Trapezoid t=new Trapezoid();
Triangle tg=new Triangle();
Hexagon h=new Hexagon();

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