Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages
This book is aimed at serious software developers. This is not a book that
touts the potential of e-commerce or pontificates about how Web-enabled
applications will revolutionize your business. Instead, it is a hands-on book
aimed at helping programmers who are already convinced of the need for
dynamic Web sites get started building them right away. In showing how to
build these sites, I try to illustrate the most important approaches and warn
you of the most common pitfalls. Along the way, I include plenty of working
code: more than a hundred documented Java classes, for instance. I try to
give detailed examples of the most important and frequently used features,
summarize the lesser-used ones, and refer you to the APIs (available
on-line) for a few of the rarely used ones.
Nor is this a book that skims dozens of technologies at a high level.
Although I don’t claim that this is a definitive reference on every technology
it touches on (e.g., there are a number of books this size just on JDBC), if the
book covers a topic, it does so in enough detail for you to sit down and start
writing real programs. The one exception to this rule is the Java programming
language itself. Although I don’t assume any familiarity with server-side programming,
I do expect you to be familiar with the basics of Java language
development. If you’re not, you will need to pick up a good tutorial like Core
Java, Core Web Programming, or Thinking in Java.
A word of caution, however. Nobody becomes a great developer just by
reading. You have to write some real code, too. The more, the better. In each
chapter, I suggest that you start by making a simple program or a small variation
of one of the examples given, then strike off on your own with a more significant
project. Skim the sections you don’t plan on using right away, then
come back when you are ready to try them out.
If you do this, you should quickly develop the confidence to handle the
real-world problems that brought you here in the first place. You should be
able to decide where servlets apply well, where JSP is better, and where a combination
is best. You should not only know how to generate HTML content, but
you should also understand building other media types like GIF images or
Excel spreadsheets. You should understand HTTP 1.1 well enough to use its
capabilities to enhance the effectiveness of your pages. You should have no
qualms about developing Web interfaces to your corporate databases, using
either HTML forms or applets as front ends. You should be able to spin off
complex behaviors into JavaBeans components or custom JSP tag libraries,
then decide when to use these components directly and when to start requests
with servlets that set things up for separate presentation pages. You should have
fun along the way. You should get a raise.
This Book is available HERE
Don't forget to give complements
(courtesy of Sun Microsystems Press)
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