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MCA II-I Sem                                                                                                                  

Java Basics - History of Java, Java buzzwords, comments, data types, variables, constants, scope and life time of variables, operators, operator hierarchy, expressions, type conversion and casting, enumerated types, control flow-block scope, conditional statements, loops, break and continue statements, simple java program, arrays, input and output, formatting output, Review of OOP concepts, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism,  classes, objects, constructors, methods, parameter passing, static fields and methods, access control, this reference, overloading methods and constructors, recursion, garbage collection, building strings, exploring string class, Enumerations, autoboxing and unboxing, Generics.

Inheritance Inheritance concept, benefits of inheritance ,Super classes and Sub classes, Member access rules, Inheritance hierarchies, super uses, preventing inheritance: final classes and methods, casting, polymorphism- dynamic binding, method overriding, abstract classes and methods, the Object class and its methods.
Interfaces – Interfaces vs. Abstract classes, defining an interface, implementing interfaces, accessing implementations through interface references, extending interface.

Inner classes – Uses of inner classes, local inner classes, anonymous inner classes, static inner classes, examples.
Packages-Defining, Creating and Accessing a Package, Understanding CLASSPATH, importing  packages.

Data structures creation and manipulation in java – Introduction to Java Collections, Overview of Java Collection frame work, Commonly used Collection classes – ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap, TreeMap, Collection Interfaces – Collection, Set, List, Map, Legacy Collection classes – Vector, Hashtable, Stack, Dictionary(abstract), Enumeration interface, Iteration over Collections – Iterator interface, ListIterator interface. Other Utility classes – StringTokenizer, Formatter, Random, Scanner, Observable, Using java.util.

Files – streams- byte streams, character streams, text Input/output, binary input/output, random access file operations, File management using File class, Using
Networking in Java – Introduction, Manipulating URLs, Ex. Client/Server Interaction with Stream Socket Connections, Connectionless Client/Server Interaction with Datagrams, Using 

Exception handling  – Dealing with errors, benefits of exception handling, the classification of exceptions- exception hierarchy, checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions, usage of try, catch, throw, throws and finally, rethrowing exceptions, exception specification, built in exceptions, creating own exception sub classes, Guide lines for proper use of exceptions.
Multithreading - Differences between multiple processes and multiple threads, thread states, creating threads, interrupting threads, thread priorities, synchronizing threads, interthread communication, thread groups, daemon threads.

GUI Programming with Java - The AWT class hierarchy, Introduction to Swing, Swing vs. AWT,MVC architecture, Hierarchy for Swing components, Containers – Top-level containers – JFrame, JApplet, JWindow, JDialog, Light weight containers – JPanel, A simple swing application, Overview of several swing components- Jbutton, JToggleButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JList, JComboBox, JMenu, Java’s Graphics capabilities – Introduction, Graphics contexts and Graphics objects, color control, Font control, Drawing lines, rectangles and ovals, Drawing arcs, Layout management - Layout manager types – border, grid, flow, box.

Event Handling - Events, Event sources, Event classes, Event Listeners, Relationship between Event sources and Listeners, Delegation event model, Semantic and Low-level events, Examples: handling a button click, handling mouse and keyboard events, Adapter classes.
Applets – Inheritance hierarchy for applets, differences between applets and applications, life cycle of an applet - Four methods of an applet, Developing applets and testing, passing parameters to applets, applet security issues..


  1. Java: the complete reference, 7th editon, Herbert Schildt, TMH.
  2. Java for Programmers, P.J.Deitel and H.M.Deitel, Pearson education / Java: How to Program P.J.Deitel and H.M.Deitel ,8th edition, PHI.
  3. Core Java, Volume 1-Fundamentals, eighth edition, Cay S.Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Pearson eduction.
  4. Java Programming, D.S.Malik, Cengage Learning.
  5. Object Oriented Programming with Java, B.Eswara Reddy, T.V.Suresh Kumar, P.Raghavan, Pearson-Sanguine.
  6. An introduction to Java programming and object oriented application development, R.A. Johnson- Cengage Learning.
  7. Advanced Programming in Java2, K.Somasundaram, Jaico Publishing House.
  8. Starting out with Java, T.Gaddis, dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd.
  9. Object Oriented Programming with Java, R.Buyya, S.T.Selvi, X.Chu, TMH.
  10. Object Oriented Programming through Java, P.Radha Krishna, Universities Press.
11.   An introduction to programming and OO design using Java, J.Nino, F.A.Hosch,
      John Wiley&Sons. 
      12.   Java and Object Orientation, an introduction, John Hunt, second edition, Springer.
13.Maurach’s Beginning Java2,D.Lowe, J.Murach, A. Steelman, SPD.
      14.  Programming with Java, M.P.Bhave, S.A.Patekar, Pearson Education

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