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How to Install Oracle 9i on Windows XP/2000

Installing Oracle 9i on Windows NT/2000

The following outline describes the steps required to install Oracle9i (version or on the Microsoft Windows NT/2000 operating system. It is assumed that this is a fresh install and that no other Oracle products are installed at this time. If this is not the case, then these instructions may not work on your system.

Where to get Oracle9i for Windows NT/2000

  • Join Oracle TechNet at and download a trial copy.Register at TechNet, then look into Products under the category of “Oracle9i Database”. (Do not get the “9i Application Server”Oracle9i for Windows NT/2000 is about 1.5 Gigabytes (two 550 megabyte ZIP files and one 200 MB Zip file)
  • Purchase a trial copy “CD Pak” from the Oracle Store at Each CD Pak costs about $40 for shipping and handling.
  • Buy a full copy of Oracle9i from Oracle.
These instructions may or may not be applicable for other versions of Oracle (such as Personal Oracle9i, Oracle9i Lite) or for other Microsoft Windows operating systems (such as Windows 98 or Windows 95). For the record: No Oracle Product will work on Windows ME or Windows XP Home Edition so don’t even bother.


Before you even start this process you should have:
  • A Pentium III or Pentium 4 based PC with at least 800 MHz processor, 256 MB of RAM (512 is much better) and at least 10 Gigabytes of free disk space.
  • If you only have 256 MB of RAM, make sure you have Windows manage at least 400 MB swap file (virtual memory).
  • This machine MUST be running Windows 2000 with service pack 1 or (preferably) 2 installed. If you are running MS IIS, disable the web server (running on Port 80 by default) before starting the Oracle 9i installation.
At least 10 GB of free disk space: 
  • Space to download or copy source ZIP files:  1.5 GB
  • Space to unpack source ZIP files                 :  1.5 GB
  • Space to install Oralce9i Software               :   2.0 GB
  • Space for Oracle data files (varies)              :   2.0 to 5.0 GB
The Installation Process

As with most Windows installation programs, inserting the CD-ROM (ordered or purchased from Oracle) into the CD-ROM drive automatically executes the setup program. (If this does not happen, use the Windows Explorer to view the contents of your CD-ROM drive and double click on the “setup” program there).

If you downloaded the Oracle9i from Oracle Technet, then you need to unzip the files into a three temporary directories and double click on the setup.exe program in the Disk1 directory) to get the installation process started.

The following Welcome window will appear:

It is assumed that this is a fresh install so no other Oracle products should be installed at this time.

Click on the Next button to move to the File Locations screen as shown below:

In this screen, the Source and Destination locations must be selected.

The Source path should reflect either your CD-ROM or the directory in which you unzipped the source files. Leave this as the default. In the example above, the source files were unzipped into c:\source\Oralce\9i\NT20009011\Disk1 directory.

For the Destination, leave the Oracle Home named OraHome90 as the default. Choose a hard disk drive that has at least 10 gigabytes of free space. In the example here, we are using the C: drive.

Leave the \Oracle\Ora90 path as it is (the default). If you must change this to a different drive, only change the drive letter and not the directories.

Click on the Next button to load the Product information. This may take up to 2 minutes (depending on the speed of your machine). Once the product information has been read, the following 3 “Available Products” options are presented:

Make sure the Oracle9i Database is selected and click on
the Next button.

The “Installation Types” screen will appear next. For this installation, we chose the Enterprise Edition.

The “Database Configuration” screen will appear next:

For this install, we chose the “General Purpose” Database option. Click on the Next button to continue.

The next step is to identify the database using the Global database name:

If some default Global database name and SID are given, keep them. Otherwise, use the following (make a note of these for later on):

Global Database Name is orcl

Oracle SID is orcl

Click on the Next button to continue to the “Data File Location ” screen

In this step, you need to select where the Oracle data files will be located. In large operations, we typically keep the data files on a separate disk (or disks), however, for this install, we are storing the data files in the same C:\oracle directory tree. Keep the default as shown and click on the Next button to continue.

In the next screen, choose the default character set for the database:

Click on the Next button to move to the “Summary” screen:

In this screen (shown above), the products and files that will be installed are summarized. Note that in this example, it will take 1.5 GB MB of disk space for the installation of the software. Additional space will be required for the default database.

If everything looks OK at this point, click on the Install button to begin the installation.

During the install, you will notice various Oracle products being copied over to the hard disk. For example, in the above figure, a portion of the Oracle Enterprise Manager is being installed.

Once the installation is completed, the next step will be to configure the various additional services and the database. This is shown below:

Each of the configuration programs will be executed in turn. The HTTP Server (Oracle/Apache) should launch automatically and open up TCP/IP port 80. You should notice a new Command window as follows:

Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) ApacheJServ/1.1

mod_ssl/2.6.4 OpenSSL/0.9.5a mod_perl/1.24 running...

The Net Configuration Assistant and Oracle Intelligent Agent should run automatically and not prsent any sustained screens.Once the default database has been installed, the following screen will appear:

The Oracle Database Configuration Assistant will appear for some time while the default database is created and opened. As below:


Clicking on the Password Management button and change the default passwords for the SYS, SYSTEM, SCOTT and DBSNMP accounts as shown below:

Click the OK button when done.

This should conclude the configuration of the database and the “End of Installation” screen should appear as below. Click on the Exit button and click on the following Yes button to confirm exiting the Installation program.


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