Code No: R05410503 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Explain data mining as a step in the process of knowledge discovery.(b) Differentiate operational database systems and data warehousing. [8+8]
2. (a) Discuss in detail about data transformation.
(b) Explain about concept hierarchy generation for categorical data. [8+8]
3. Discuss the importance of establishing a standardized data mining query language.
What are some of the potential benefits and challenges involved in such a task?
List and explain a few of the recent proposals in this area. [16]
4. Write short notes for the following in detail:
(a) Attribute-oriented induction.
(b) Efficient implementation of Attribute-oriented induction. [8+8]
5. (a) What is an iceberg query? Give an example.
(b) Explain about mining distance based association rules.
(c) How are meta rules useful? Explain with example. [5+6+5]
6. (a) Why naive Bayesian classification called “naive”? Briefly outline the major
ideas of naive Bayesian classification.
(b) Define regression. Briefly explain about linear, non-linear and multiple regres-
sions. [8+8]
7. (a) What is Cluster Analysis? What are some typical applications of clustering?
What are some typical requirements of clustering in data mining?
(b) Discuss about model-based clustering methods. [2+2+5+7]
8. Explain the following:
(a) Mining time-series and sequence data
(b) Mining text databases. [8+8]
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Code No: R05410503 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Explain data mining as a step in the process of knowledge discovery.(b) Differentiate operational database systems and data warehousing. [8+8]
2. (a) Briefly discuss about data integration.
(b) Briefly discuss about data transformation. [8+8]
3. Write the syntax for the following data mining primitives:
(a) The kind of knowledge to be mined.
(b) Measures of pattern interestingness. [16]
4. (a) Write the algorithm for attribute-oriented induction. Explain the steps in-
volved in it.
(b) How can concept description mining be performed incrementally and in a
distributed manner? [8+8]
5. (a) Explain about iceberg queries with example.
(b) Can we design a method that mines the complete set of frequent item sets
without candidate generation? If yes, explain with example. [8+8]
6. (a) Why is tree pruning useful in decision tree induction? What is a draw back
of using a separate set of samples to evaluate pruning?
(b) How rough set approach and fuzzy set approaches are useful for classification?
Explain. [8+8]
7. (a) Give an example of how specific clustering methods may be integrated, for
example, where one clustering algorithm is used as a preprocessing step for
(b) Write CURE algorithm and explain. [10+6]
8. (a) Explain about multidimensional analysis and descriptive mining of complex
data objects.
(b) Describe similarity search in time-series analysis.
(c) What are cases and parameters for sequential pattern mining? [8+4+4]
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Code No: R05410503 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Explain data mining as a step in the process of knowledge discovery.(b) Differentiate operational database systems and data warehousing. [8+8]
2. (a) Briefly discuss about data integration.
(b) Briefly discuss about data transformation. [8+8]
3. Explain the syntax for the following data mining primitives:
(a) Task-relevant data
(b) The kind of knowledge to be mined
(c) Interestingness measures
(d) Presentation and visualization of discovered patterns. [16]
4. (a) Attribute-oriented induction generates one or a set of generalized descriptions.
How can these descriptions be visualized?
(b) Discuss about the methods of attribute relevance analysis? [8+8]
5. (a) How can we mine multilevel Association rules efficiently using concept hierar-
chies? Explain.
(b) Can we design a method that mines the complete set of frequent item sets
without candidate generation. If yes, explain with example. [8+8]
6. (a) Explain about basic decision tree induction algorithm.
(b) Discuss about Bayesian classification. [8+8]
7. (a) Use a diagram to illustrate how, for a constant MinPts value, density-based
clusters with respect to a higher density (i.e., a lower value for ε , the neigh-
borhood radius) are completely contained in density- connected sets obtained
with respect to a lower density.
(b) Give an example of how specific clustering methods may be integrated, for
example, where one clustering algorithm is used as a preprocessing step for
another. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain multidimensional analysis of multimedia data.
(b) Define Information retrieval. What are basic measures for text retrieval?
(c) What is keyword-based association analysis?
(d) Briefly discuss about mining the World Wide Web. [5+4+3+4]
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Code No: R05410503 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. (a) Discuss about Concept hierarchy.(b) Briefly explain about - classification of database systems. [8+8]
2. Explain various data reduction techniques. [16]
3. The four major types of concept hierarchies are: schema hierarchies, set-grouping
hierarchies, operation-derived hierarchies, and rule-based hierarchies.
(a) Briefly define each type of hierarchy.
(b) For each hierarchy type, provide an example. [16]
4. (a) What is Concept description? Explain.
(b) What are the differences between concept description in large data bases and
OLAP? [8+8]
5. (a) Which algorithm is an influential algorithm for mining frequent item sets for
Boolean association rules. Explain.
(b) Discuss about association mining using correlation rules. [8+8]
6. (a) How scalable is decision tree induction? Explain.
(b) Explain about prediction. [8+8]
7. (a) How does the k-means algorithm work? Explain with example.
(b) Explain about grid-based methods in clustering. [8+8]
8. (a) Describe latent semantic indexing technique with an example.
(b) Discuss about mining time-series and sequence data. [4+12]
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